"Thats guys made of Broccoli!"
Antman: Quantumania, was my first project at ILM london, acting as Joint model lead, with the incredible Max Vogt. We oversaw something close to 30 creatures for the bar sequence, as well various ships, digidoubles, props and vehicles for the whole film.
aside from leading a team of 14 modellers, my main role was to create Broccoli guy, a walking, walking, slightly drunk sentient creature that evangeline lilly character runs into at a bar within the quantum realm. He was enormous fun to work on!

Axia Bar
ILM handed the entirety of this sequence inside the secret bar at the axia shipyards. There were over 30 unique creatures to build, plus digidoubles to augment, and 3-4 walking talking full cg characters as well as the set itself and a couple large vehicles including krylars yaght.
It was an enormous sequence, only the very immediate set items were real - such as the tables and chairs, even the food, which had to move is CG for a lot of the tables.
a couple of creatures to highlight - The living Drink, which is a tiny squid creature that is blown up to monstrous proportions, floating rock men, spheroids, a lava lamp man, transparent tim - loads of crazy quantum creatures that blend into the environment so well, they are in fact quite hard to pick out.
I worked as joint asset lead for this sequence - doing first round blocking of the characters before passing to other team memebers, I also worked on the set and environment as well as some of the digidoubles, and I lead the assets for all the vehicles we see.

The wastelands and the quantum predator
Another sequence we worekd on was the wastelands, building the landscape and also the quantim predator. The predator was built by Max Vogt and Ricardo Alves, I worked on the landscapes it crawls over.

I was particularly honoured on this show to have one my characters feature on a poster series exploring the different and unqiue characters from the film.
Broccoli guy certainly seemed to be a fan favourite, so was very pleased to see this happen.