C17 bike Jump
I worked on Infinite whilst at DNEG for about 6 months as build supervisor. The film had a number of seqeunces we oversaw, mostly building vehicles, set extensions, digidoubles. The main seqeunce houses in london was an elaborate chase sequence featuring Mark Whalbergs character chasing a c17 Plane along a cliff edge, before leaping off his motorbike onto its wing and lodging himself on the roof. He then commenses to destroy the plan using mystical powers he has inherited.
We have to build a double for Mark, a full cg motorcyle as well as a highly detailed and intricate C17 plabe both inside and out as the camera work was both distance and super close up. The only part of the plane from the on set data was the top of one of the wings, everything else was cg, and ultimately we replaces the whole thing with the CG model for final shots.